Churchill Forge Trust Ltd exists to preserve Churchill Forge Mill, a unique heritage site of national importance located near Kidderminster.
We are now seeking trustees to help us develop the asset for future generations.
Churchill Forge Trust Ltd are looking for people who would be interested an opportunity to be involved in the development and preservation of Churchill Forge,a nationally significant heritage site located in the village of Churchill, near Kidderminster in North Worcestershire. Churchill Forge is one of the last working water powered forges in the country and as such a unique example of the small industrial sites that were once commonplace in the area.
We are seeking interested individuals who would be interested in joining the trust as a trustee/director. Candidates should have experience in a relevant field such as:
- Heritage and Museum management including fund-raising,
- Marketing and publicity,
- Business/charity management and administration,
- Water and water-mill engineering,
- Blacksmithing,
- Project Management
We are particularly interested in candidates who may be willing to take on the roles of chair, treasurer or secretary or would be able to act as representatives of the local area of Churchill and Blakedown.
To express an interest and to set up an initial discussion please contact us through the website contact form.
Any successful candidates must be able to confirm that they are not in any way barred from holding a company directorship.
Trustees should have experience in at least one of the areas detailed above and should also be able to collaboratively in a team to enable the delivery of the trust’s objectives. You should also be aware that, as the trust does not have the capacity to employ staff, we are looking for trustees who would be willing to take on a certain amount of ‘hands-on’ responsibility above and beyond any general responsibilities.